Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hell Yeah. Motherhood. | Playground Confidential

The car sat in the driveway,

But the key to start the car was all the way downtown,

Nestled deep within my husband?s pocket.

So we walked.

The baby and the girl in the double stroller.

The bigger boy walked alongside.

We went to the further-away supermarket to buy nicer birthday cupcakes,

For the man who?d taken the car key hostage.

I waited in the checkout line and the kids ran around madly in circles

Burning every drop of energy.

Halfway home,

Baby screaming and big boy dwindling,

Dawdling and foot dragging and intermittently flopping onto patches of grass, dirt, scrub, whatever.

All right.

I picked the baby up and put the two big kids in the stroller

And pushed my entire family plus groceries home

With one hand.

Hell yeah.


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