Sunday, June 3, 2012

Adoptable Pets: A Litter Box Trained Chihuahua, Kitties From Ethiopia, And Other Lovable Furballs Who Need New Homes

  • Sophie

    Sophie has arrived just in time to bring some spring into your life! She'll keep you warm on chilly nights and add sunshine to your life with her silly antics. She especially loves to flop on her back and beg for belly rubs. She's a purebred Saint Bernard and has all the great qualities this breed is known for - loyal and friendly and super sweet with everyone. She likes most other dogs and once you meet her you'll be in love for sure. She's a year old and already knows several commands. Find out more from the <a href="" target="_hplink">Humane Society of Fairfax County</a>.

  • Becky

    Becky is looking for a best friend or a family with many friends. She's loving with people and dogs of all ages. Becky is only about a year old but knows she is destined to make a lucky family very happy. Find out more from the <a href="" target="_hplink">Humane Society of Fairfax County</a>.

  • Ribbon

    Ribbon is a 1-year-old beauty and a very sweet girl on top of that! She came to Tails High from one of the local high-kill shelters with her kitten to help out with some orphaned kittens. She turned out to be a fabulous mom and shared kittens with 2 other moms. The babies are all eating on their own now and Ribbon is looking for her new family. Would you like to meet Ribbon? Contact Tails High for more information <a href="" target="_hplink">at their website</a> or by phone at (703)819-5240.

  • Zoya

    Oliver is white with orange spots and his sister Zoya is white with black and orange spots. They were born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia about 6 years ago and lived with their humans (who work for the State Department) for two years there. These cats are real travelers and have subsequently moved with their family to Europe and back here to the US twice. They are very close and are seldom out of eye shot of one another. Some of their favorite things include watching birds (of course), playing with their toy squirrel and best of all, chasing their laser light toy. They are great cats and very affectionate. They love attention and are very patient with small children. Unfortunately, newly implemented airline regulations will prevent them from traveling with their family overseas again. Ideally it would be great if Zoya and Oliver could be adopted together but they may be able to be adopted separately. Contact Tails High for more information <a href="" target="_hplink">at their website</a> or by phone at (703)819-5240.

  • Tea

    Tea is an inspirational cocker spaniel who will bring incredible joy to her forever home. She's only four years old, housebroken and has great manners; she can't be crated, as it was used as punishment in the past, but she's so good inside the house she doesn't need to be. Unfortunately, she was purchased as a gift from husband to wife and, when the marriage soured, the husband took it out on poor Tea. She was eventually seized by the local vet and, good thing, since the rescue's vet noticed her pelvis had been broken in the past. What horror! After being passed around multiple times since then, she entered the safety of an OBG Cocker Rescue foster home and has never looked back. Now, she is ready to spread her wings and fly! You'd think she would resent people, after all she's been through. But it's just the opposite. There isn't a mean bone in her body and she is one of the gentlest cockers we've met. For more information on this dog and others needing a home or a foster please visit the <a href="" target="_hplink">Oldies But Goodies website</a>.

  • Maggie May

    Maggie May is a party girl looking for a party. At 1 year old, this petite pit mix is full of energy and enthusiasm. And she'll dole out doggy kisses to anyone who gets close to her luscious lips. Washington Animal Rescue League behavior staff describe Maggie May as "super smart," although, like most young girls, her attention span can be a bit short. Once she's focused, however, she learns very quickly. Maggie May would do best with an active family that can give her plenty of exercise and enrichment activites. Are you the family for Maggie May? Get in touch with the<a href="" target="_hplink"> Washington Animal Rescue League</a>.

  • Gaston

    <a href="" target="_hplink">Gaston</a> came to the Animal Welfare League of Arlington as a stray -- we estimate him to be around four years old and an American Bulldog mix. The ideal placement for him would be as an only pet in a single family home with a fenced in yard. He's a huge couch potato and an expert fetcher and catcher. He's fabulous in the car, he'd be your number one co-pilot. He really smiles when the toys come out and has mastered the Kong Wobbler. He appears house trained and with his laid back personality we can see him making an easy transition to a new home. He's super sweet and really loves his people. He is neutered, microchipped and fully vaccinated. He is on a hypoallergenic diet and takes Benadryl daily. Find out more from the <a href="" target="_hplink">Animal Welfare League of Arlington</a>.

  • Poppie

    Poor Poppie -- he has really had a rough go of it. This almost 3-year-old originally came into the shelter in June of 2011 because the owner had allergies. He was then returned two months later because the owner was moving. Again he was adopted out four months later but returned AGAIN just recently again because of moving. Considering all of this transition, AWLA is seeking experienced, commited cat adopters that are ready to commit to his care. Poppie is a sweet, friendly boy. He likes to talk to you for attention and when he wants to be petted he will hop up to meet your hand. Poppie is very social and curious in new surroundings. He doesn't mind being held, especially if he knows he's going to get some head rubs and chin scratches, too. We don't know his history with other cats, but he seems to enjoy the company of the other cats at the shelter. Find out more from the <a href="" target="_hplink">Animal Welfare League of Arlington</a>.

  • Oliver

    Oliver is white with orange spots and his sister Zoya is white with black and orange spots. They were born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia about 6 years ago and lived with their humans (who work for the State Department) for two years there. These cats are real travelers and have subsequently moved with their family to Europe and back here to the US twice. They are very close and are seldom out of eye shot of one another. Some of their favorite things include watching birds (of course), playing with their toy squirrel and best of all, chasing their laser light toy. They are great cats and very affectionate. They love attention and are very patient with small children. Unfortunately, newly implemented airline regulations will prevent them from traveling with their family overseas again. Ideally it would be great if Zoya and Oliver could be adopted together but they may be able to be adopted separately. Contact Tails High for more information <a href="" target="_hplink">at their website</a> or by phone at (703)819-5240.

  • Ginger

    <a href="" target="_hplink">Ginger</a>, an affectionate 4-year old mixed breed, is a true "people dog" and also a recent pet of the week. Get in touch with the <a href="" target="_hplink">Washington Humane Society</a> for more information about Ginger.

  • Two Gerbils

    These two cutie-pie gerbils are available for adoption -- find out more from the <a href="" target="_hplink">Animal Welfare League of Arlington</a>.

  • Pebbles

    Pebbles' story is sad. Her owners could no longer keep her when the bad economy caught up with them and she and her best friend, Josie, were turned into a kill shelter. Because of her age..only 5.. and her deafness, she was not a likely candidate for adoption. However, staff loved her and asked us to help. We gladly took this wonderful girl and her companion, Josie. She's a Heeler mix, absolutely beautiful, knows hand signals, is housebroken and friendly with everyone. If you're looking for a perfect lady, Pebbles is anxiously awaiting your visit. Find out more from the <a href="" target="_hplink">Humane Society of Fairfax County</a>.

  • Nolan

    Nolan is a cute, fluffy male pup, around eight weeks old, whose mom was originally pulled from a Georgia shelter just prior to giving birth. Mom is a beautiful German Shepherd with a wonderful temperament and Dad was reportedly an unknown traveling man. We are suspecting that Nolan will be a fairly large pup so potential adopters should be prepared to provide for the needs of a German Shepherd mix. Nolan is completely a blank slate. His forever family will be responsible for shaping him into a well-mannered, socialized, lovable guy! For more information on this dog and others needing a home or a foster please visit the <a href="" target="_hplink">Oldies But Goodies website</a>.

  • Spinny

    Spinnaker (a/k/a Spinny) was found with his siblings in the hull of a boat and they came to Tails High after their mother had abandoned them. A few weeks later, Spinny's eye became extremely infected and would not heal despite round the clock care and his eye eventually needed to be removed. Now that Spinny is recovering, he will soon be well and big enough to be put up for adoption. If you would like to make Spinny a part of your family -- or if you'd like to donate to his medical fund -- please contact Tails High <a href="" target="_hplink">at their website</a> or by phone at (703)819-5240.

  • Angelique

    <a href="" target="_hplink">Angelique</a> is a sweet and energetic 6-month-old terrier mix pup. Get in touch with the <a href="" target="_hplink">Washington Humane Society</a> for more information about Angelique.

  • Estrella

    <a href="" target="_hplink">Estrella</a>, a 1-year-old pit bull type mix, is volunteer favorite who is great at learning manners and new skills. Get in touch with the <a href="" target="_hplink">Washington Humane Society</a> for more information about Estrella.

  • Epiphany

    This 9-year-old boy is very loveable and is a loud purrer. He's very social and comfortable around new people. His human mom has health issues and is moving out of state to live with relatives and she's unable to take him along so he's looking for someone new to give him lots of love. If that's you, he'll greet you at the door meowing and purring! Would you like to see Epiphany greet you at your door? Contact Tails High for more information <a href="" target="_hplink">at their website</a> or by phone at (703)819-5240.

  • Prince

    Prince is two-year-old cocker spaniel, who found himself homeless when his owner moved to a residence that did not allow dogs. This guy has more miles on his collar than most dogs. His former owner originally found Prince in Bolivia and brought him back to the States. He seems to be a bilingual guy who understands both English and Spanish. Prince is all cocker in the looks department but acts like a poodle. He can stand on his hind legs longer than most dogs, with the two front paws in a perched position, looking all around. Prince is an active young dog who will require daily walks so no couch potatoes for this guy. For more information on this dog and others needing a home or a foster please visit the <a href="" target="_hplink">Oldies But Goodies website</a>.

  • Burra

    <a href="" target="_hplink">Burra</a> is a happy and shy 3-year-old Shepherd mix. Get in touch with the <a href="" target="_hplink">Washington Humane Society</a> for more information about Burra.

  • Two Doves

    These two purebred doves are available for adoption through the <a href="" target="_hplink">Animal Welfare League of Arlington</a>.

  • Lilly

    <a href="" target="_hplink">Lilly</a> is an adorable 9-month-old pit bull terrier type mix. Get in touch with the <a href="" target="_hplink">Washington Humane Society</a> for more information about Lilly.

  • Fefe

    <a href="" target="_hplink">Fefe</a> is a 6-year-old 12-lb. fluffy ball of orange fun, and also a pet of the week! Get in touch with the <a href="" target="_hplink">Washington Humane Society</a> for more information about Fefe.

  • Neptune

    <a href="" target="_hplink">Neptune</a> is an almost 2-year-old cat whose kittens have just found new homes. Neptune is now looking for a home too. Get in touch with the <a href="" target="_hplink">Washington Humane Society</a> for more information about Neptune.

  • Bear

    Sweet Bear was lost and starving and rescued by a kind person who tried to find his real home, but with no luck. He is playful and tries so hard to please you. He's a bit over 3 years old, we think. He likes other dogs and is good with older kids and adults. Find out more from the <a href="" target="_hplink">Humane Society of Fairfax County</a>.

  • Handsome

    Handsome could have been named Gorgeous. He's about a year old and has some sad stories to share. He was a stray for many months as a pup and is very shy so he needs some special TLC with someone who will be patient with him while he learns to trust again. He is gentle and great with other dogs, but he is slower to show his wonderful spirit and fun side with humans until he knows them a bit. He has shown great improvement since being with HSFC and we think a family who will love him will make his progress go so much faster. Find out more from the <a href="" target="_hplink">Humane Society of Fairfax County</a>.

  • Hope

    Hope loves everyone and everything including other dogs! She loves her toys, she loves to please. She's about a year and half old, and has a cool white coat with freckles that match her warm brown eyes. Make your appointment today to meet Hope and we'll tell her hope for her is on the way. Find out more from the <a href="" target="_hplink">Humane Society of Fairfax County</a>.

  • Malibu

    Life's a beach for Malibu, a 6-month-old male pit bull mix at the Washington Animal Rescue League. A typical canine "teenager," he's energetic, playful, and very smart...although he does sometimes display that teen attribute of selective hearing. Malibu is enrolled in the League's "Open Paw" training program and is also learning scent-oriented nose work. This loving and loyal boy can't wait to go home with an active family who will give him plenty of exercise and structure. Find out more about Malibu from the <a href="" target="_hplink">Washington Animal Rescue League</a>.

  • Howard

    Howard is a lover boy for sure with those blue eyes. He is sweet, friendly and loves anyone of any age or size. He's great with other dogs and would make a great companion for a family or anyone who just wants a snuggle buddy. About 3 years old, Howard's striking blue eyes will immediately draw you in and you'll be hooked and in love! Find out more from the <a href="" target="_hplink">Humane Society of Fairfax County</a>.

  • Josie

    Josie has so many special qualities -- she's beautiful with her tan and white coat, smart, and friendly with everyone. Her owners turned her and her BFF, Pebbles, into a kill shelter when they were forced to move from their home. Both of these incredible girls have always known a home and are so lost without one. They must go together so Josie can continue to lead Pebbles, who is deaf. This pair is a made to order family for someone lucky enough to adopt them. Josie is so much fun, only 4 years old, very sweet and ready for you to give her another chance at love. Find out more from the <a href="" target="_hplink">Humane Society of Fairfax County</a>.

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