Monday, October 8, 2012

What is Auto Insurance? ? UHANC

October 8, 2012 by admin

Home Insurance Richardson TX There are more cars and drivers on the road every year. With the increasing number of vehicles on the road, accidents are going to happen. Car insurance can make the difference between a minor inconvenience and a major hassle. How can you decide what insurance you require and how to purchase it? Your car insurance may be able to pay for car crash expenses ranging from car repairs to replacement costs. By not owning insurance, you run the risk of having to pay the full cost of the harm or injury you cause others. Liability: Pays for the expenses you have caused to others in a car collision, including property damage and injury. Damages from bodily injury include medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Property damage can refer to car repair costs or loss of property use. It also covers your defense and court costs if you are sued. Recommended, more comprehensive levels of insurance are available that take care of more than the lower, state-mandated insurance. Personal Injury Protection: Personal injury insurance is required in some states and is optional in others. It pays you or your passengers for medical treatment resulting from a crash, regardless of who may have been at fault, and is often called no-fault coverage. State law typically sets minimum amounts. Medical Payments: Medical payment coverage is available in non-no-fault states and will pay no matter who is responsible for the accident. All reasonable medical or funeral expenses will be covered under this insurance policy. Collision: Pays for damages to your vehicle caused by a collision. Comprehensive: Protect your vehicle from damages from other sources when you buy this type of coverage. This can include protection from robbery, vandalism, and fire or flood damage. Uninsured Motorist: Thousands of drivers are ignoring the law by driving without owning the right amount of car insurance. This type of coverage will protect you if one of these irresponsible drivers hit you. Under-Insured Motorist: There are other drivers who have liability insurance that can?t cover all the expenses they are supposed to take care of. This type of insurance covers you in accidents involving those drivers. Other types of coverage, including car rental, are also available. What you pay for car insurance varies by company and will depend on several factors, such as: * What coverage you select * The type of the vehicle you own * Whether or not you have been in an accident * Your age, sex and marital status * Where you live Many people consider car insurance to be a necessary evil, but it can save you from a financial fiasco. Review your needs, research your options, and with the support of your insurance agent, choose the option that best suits you.


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