Friday, February 3, 2012

Health and Fitness Facts and Myths Exposed |

Imagine your frustration if you discovered you?d been performing your exercises wrong for years. Think about the person who gets injured because of incorrect form and information. These are very real considerations and they happen to people all the time. You need to be sure you?re getting your information from experts and credible sources for this reason. Your health depends it and bad information is rampant. Here is some solid information regarding health and fitness.

Here is an interesting partial myth, if we can say so. When you engage in aerobic exercise, your metabolism will get a terrific boost that will last for hours, maybe, beyond the actual workout. The part of this myth that is misleading is the fact that the calories do not continue to burn like you?d expect. This is because the increase in metabolic rate is not as high as some might claim. The fact is that these increases in metabolic rate are not significant enough to affect calorie burn.

No pain, no gain. That?s the only way to do it and get great results. Dangerously incorrect is what that statement really is. In addition, there is very real potential for inflicting serious bodily damage by living that particular motto. The pain of a good workout should not inhibit your other activities. If it hurts don?t do it, it the best rule to follow in relation to workout pain and soreness that does not subside in a reasonable amount of time. If you are injured, then continuing to exercise will only increase the severity of your injury.

Fitness exercises are perfect for mental acuity as well. In other words, working out helps to make your brain more powerful and operate at a higher level of performance.

Circulation is another benefit of regular exercise. Of course that means in your brain as well. Also, exercise increases the serotonin level in your brain. More serotonin in the brain is shown to improve mental clarity. There are many benefits to improved mental acuity. By the way eating healthy can also help you avoid health insurance. It?s more important than ever to sort out the truths of health and fitness, especially if you?re totally new to working out. Because you are still forming your fitness habits, this is extremely important. You will have to go through a painful re-education later if you form the wrong habits now. Whether you continue your fitness program and your future success depend on forming good habits.

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