Sunday, February 3, 2013

Business Coaching - How Can You Create Win-Win Negotiations ...

Many people think that negotiation is a skill that only sales people need, but the reality is that everyone negotiates every day, both in business and in our daily lives. We negotiate everything from who will walk the dog this evening to what time your boss can expect that critical report to land on his desk.

Some people seem to negotiate with ease, while others feel incredible stress. Here are a few tips to eliminating the stress of negotiations and creating a win-win agreement every time

Negotiate from a position of abundance

Whether you?re negotiating a big deal or just where to go for lunch, always remember that there will be other days and other deals and you will win your fair share. Never go in to a negotiation thinking this is the only deal or the only lunch. In fact, it may help if you consider every negotiation like lunch?there?s always another one tomorrow.

Know what you can live with and what you can?t live without

If you know your bottom line, you know when to walk away from a negotiation and you know what you won?t give up. Knowing this information up front helps you focus and keeps the stress level down.

State clearly what you need or want

Negotiations are much easier if you can be upfront about what you want. Tell the other party what your budget is, or what your constraints are. Let them know what features are important to you. Now you can work together to get as close to what you want as possible.

Ask the other party what they need or want

The ideal win-win negotiation is one where both parties are open and up front about their wants and constraints. Eliminating the gamesmanship that mars so many negotiations eliminates stress and removes the need to ?win.? Oddly enough, when you remove the need for one party to win, it becomes much easier for both parties to win.

Ask yourself what?s fair and then give a little more

Most of us have a bias on our own behalf, so giving up that little extra may actually balance the scale. Even if you give more than you need to, it may pay off over time in repeat business and improved relationships.


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