Sunday, May 20, 2012

3 Diabetic Exercise Tips for Better Health | ?? Chinese Community ...

3 Diabetic Exercise Tips for Better Health

A proper diet is always essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially for a diabetic, but a diabetic exercise program can also be beneficial to both your overall health and keeping your blood sugar constant. These exercises do not have to be strenuous, but cardio endurance and a bit of resistance training can provide significant benefits. There are several health-oriented fitness centers in NC that can help diabetics design exercise programs that suit their individual needs.

1. Cardio-endurance

Most centers for weight loss, NC gyms and other health centers have equipment intended for cardio-endurance. Slow paced, low impact activity is recommended for diabetics looking to pursue cardiovascular exercise.

Depending on your current fitness level, start with 30 minutes and stop the reps until your heart rate normalizes. Drink lots of fluids during exercise, especially if you are feeling a little nauseous or out of breath. The fluids should contain a little sugar to prevent your blood sugar from dropping too far. Always make sure that your personal trainer or the gym staff be informed of your condition before hand so that they can help you watch for warning signs of low blood sugar.

2. Resistance-training

Diabetes is difficult to live with but once you know the right ways to deal with it, it can become much more manageable. You can improve your leg strength by doing 20 minute treadmill walking at the one of the many centers for fitness Greensboro has to offer. Exercises for diabetics should have less impact on the legs because of the risk of diabetic neuropathy that can lead to weakening of the nerves.

3. Swimming

Swimming is a great way to get low impact resistance training. The water offers plenty of resistance to help you tone your muscles without putting any stress on your joints. This is also a good cardio exercise since you can increase heart rate without working up a sweat.

With any diabetic exercise, it?s important to remember to stop and snack if you feel hungry. When you exercise, you are at greater risk of your blood sugar dropping dangerously low. Before exercise, it is also good to have enough sleep prior to the program. Diabetic or not, you have more energy and stamina when your body has had enough rest.

Sharon Walker is a nutritionist who specializes in working with diabetes patients. She recommends all of her patients look into specialized diabetic exercise routines.

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