Monday, December 31, 2012

Beer now considered alcohol, not food, in Russia

Dmitry Kostyukov / AFP - Getty Images, file

Russians, like this Muscovite enjoying some suds at an outdoor pub, will no longer have unfettered access to beer, under a new law that takes effect Jan. 1.

It will be tougher for Russians to cry in their beer in 2013.

Restrictions on when and where beer can be sold go into effect Jan. 1 with a law that declared beer is alcohol, not food.

Under the new rules, beer can only be sold in licensed outlets ? not street kiosks, gas stations and bus depots like it has been. Russians won't be able to buy it from shops between 11 p.m. and 8 a.m., and beer commercials are a thing of the past.

The limits are part of a government effort to reduce alcohol abuse in Russian, where one in five male deaths are linked to booze, according to world health experts.

Not everyone is toasting the change, however.

The brewing industry warns that the crackdown could make harder alcohol even more popular.

"It will be tougher if you want to buy a beer on the way home from work, or pop down from your apartment," Isaac Sheps, chairman of the Union of Russian Brewers, told London's Daily Telegraph.

"So you have to stock at home. And stocking beer is more problematic than stocking vodka. It's bulky, it's big and there's no room for it in small homes. It's much easier to buy two bottles of vodka and manage for your instant need for alcohol.

"So it's quite ironic that this attempt to improve health and lower alcoholism could have the opposite effect and cause people to drink more harmful spirits," Sheps said.

Vodka is king in Russia. Government statistics show the spirit accounted for almost 50 percent of alcohol sales between January and November, while beer rose a bit to 32 percent. Wine had an anemic 10 percent market share. And champagne accounted for 1 percent of sales.

In the past few years, the Russian government has introduced an array of measures aimed at reducing what then-President Dmitri Medvedev called a "national calamity."

"We are used to smoking, drinking, eating a poor diet and doing little sport and then falling ill, and expect to be operated on or take pills to get better," Nikolai Gerasimenko, deputy head of the lower house of parliament's health committee, told Bloomberg in October.

?That's got to stop.?

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2013: The Year Of Digital Business | Forrester Blogs


The communications evolution

Our communications continue to evolve. Consider how humans have transformed communications over the centuries: signal fires; semaphore; morse code; telegraph; telephone; telex; fax; email; SMS; Facebook and Twitter. I have no doubt in my mind that this evolution will continue in 2013 and beyond. Perhaps beyond 2013 we will eventually achieve the ability to communicate our thoughts directly - whether we'll want to is a different question. ?As people the world-over learn to use new social networking tools, they drop older tools which are no longer useful to them. Regardless of where you are in your personal communications evolution, the undeniable truth is that over the past decade we have significantly changed how people communicate; we are no longer dependent upon email. But social tools and 24/7 mobile access have not removed the complexity or decreased the volume of information we must process.?Time remains our most precious resource and we'll always seek ways to use it more effectively - but?social tools are not necessarily the silver bullet we might think.?In 2013?we need to rethink business processes to take into account this new communications paradigm.


The Social Business Evolution


Although the benefits of social media marketing may yet turn out to be the modern version of?The Emperor's New Clothes, 2013 will continue?the shift in businesses across the world toward a more open, innovative and collaborative environment. For sure, not every CEO is convinced this is the best strategy, but enough have taken the plunge to show significant results translate to the bottom line. (See examples in this year's Groundswell Awards for?B2B,?Employee Collaboration,?B2C). In the coming year organizations will continue to evolve social layers which allow employees and customers to collaborate more effectively. Early adopters of social technologies are already moving toward?social business ecosystems, combining mobile technologies with social apps in ways which?save customers time and make the customer experience more enjoyable?(or less frustrating). The future winners will combine community, content and commerce - what I call?commerce cubed?- into powerful mobile apps which transform the customer experience.



Technology Vendor Struggle To Define Their Social Business Strategy

Meanwhile?tech vendors continue to layer social technologies?onto their applications portfolios in the hope of capturing a slice of the social business market, but?few can show customers?any tangible business impact which would excite their customer's shareholders.?As always, success for technology vendors will come through the clear demonstartion of measurable returns on the investments they are asking from clients - and savvy sourcing teams are?challenging vendors to deliver on outcome-based contracts.


Enter 2013: the year of Digital Business

As we move into 2013 we're seeing an increased focus from our clients on?customer experience.?As mobile, social, cloud and big data come together we see the emergence of digital business strategy - the ability to leverage digital technologies to transform the customer value equation and drive competitive advantage. The challenge for most will be to keep up with the pace of change. And since digital business strategy is heavily dependent upon IT, CIOs must put digital strategy into the strategic plan to prepare the organization for future success.?


The Great Human Capital?Conundrum

Baby Boomers will retire in even greater numbers in 2013 than in 2012. While this will open up jobs for younger workers, many will lack the skills companies need. There are already signs that programming skills in mobile app development will be in such high demand worldwide that we'll see a major shortage of skilled workers in this field. This means CIOs need to work hard to keep talented staff in these key fields as replacing them will be much harder than it has been up to now. So another priority for CIOs should be attracting and retaining top talent - failure in this area could be a strategic threat for the enterprise.?


Predicting The Future

Mobile app development won't be the only hot job of 2013.?Analytic wizards capable of?using massive data pools as a source for predictive analytics?will be in increasing demand. Long understood by the finance and insurance industries, these?data gurus will help shape even more effective business decisions in 2013. If you don't have advanced big data analytics in your strategy portfolio for 2013 you may want to rethink your strategy.


The Emerging Chief Digital Officer

Digital business and a renewed awareness of the customer experience will drive many CEO to change the executive team in 2013. While we will see more CEOs add chief customer officers (CCO) and chief digital officers (CDO) to executive leadership teams in 2013, I predict the chief digital officer won't be dominant till 2015 at the earliest. Will CIOs be able to step-up into the role of Chief Digital Officer? While some CIOs may have the opportunity to step into such a role, it's likely they will be most commonly filled from the ranks of business unit leaders and marketers. The few CIOs who successfully make this transition will have already had P&L experience and worked extensively on enabling the customer experience through digital technologies.If you're a CIO who?sees the CDO title in your future, I highly recommend?brushing up your marketing skills?to evolve your 2013 digital business strategy.


The Gift Of 2013

Certainly the digital revolution will continue into 2013 and beyond - that's easy to predict. But perhaps 2013 will also be the year we realize that the world will not come to an end if we don't reply to that Facebook post today, or we don't respond to that email this minute, or we don't read every tweet and blog post. And so for some of us at least, 2013 may be a year in which we learn to enjoy the physical world we live in more than the virtual world we create on our electronic devices. Only one thing in life is guaranteed: each of us will eventually die - I doubt any of us will be lying on their deathbed thinking "I must just clear my inbox". I plan on enjoying every day of 2013 as the precious gift it is - I wish the same for you too - Happy New Year!



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7. Booze hound actor Charlie Sheen opens bar in Mexico

LOS CABOS, Mexico: US actor Charlie Sheen, who has a long history of hard partying and scandal, has a new night spot in Mexico - his own, a local official said Saturday.

The perennially troubled Hollywood star hosted a gala opening night dinner Friday at his new bar, The Goose, in the Mexican resort area of Los Cabos, said state Tourism Secretary Ruben Reachi Lugo, who was not invited.

Many celebrities "spend their vacation, celebrate their birthdays or open a new restaurant or new development," Lugo said of the resort area at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.

Sheen, born Carlos Irwin Estevez, was abruptly booted from his long-running gig starring in the television comedy series, "Two and a Half Men" in 2011, after publicly insulting the producer.

He returned to television in 2012, with a somewhat tongue-in-cheek role playing a man sentenced to anger management counseling.

Son of actor Martin Sheen and brother of another actor, Emilio Estevez, Sheen first became famous for his roles in the Vietnam War drama "Platoon," and 1980s greed parable "Wall Street."

Highlights in his career have also included comedic roles in the "Major League" movies and "Top Gun" parodies "Hot Shots" and "Hot Shots: Part Deux." - AFP


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

LG wants Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 to be banned in Korea over OLED patent infringements

LG filed an injunction to ban Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 in Korea.?According to the notice, LG alleged that Samsung has violated the design, driver circuitry and device design of its OLED products which altered the viewing angles of the panel used in Galaxy Note 10.1.

Both Korean companies have been fighting with?each other?as Samsung?retaliated?by filing its own lawsuit against LG stating that LG lacked innovation. Earlier this year, few current and former Samsung Mobile employees were arrested on the charges that they stole and leaked?information?about Samsung?s AMOLED TV to LG.

LG is also seeking damages of $933,000 per day in case of continued non-compliance by Samsung as by Dow Jones.


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Weekly Faith ? December 30, 2012 | Face Forward Columbus

Our True Home ? Feast of the Holy Family


Sirach 3:2-6,12-14
Psalm 128:1-5
Colossians 3:12-21
Luke 2:41-52

Why did Jesus choose to become a baby born of a mother and father and to spend all but His last years living in an ordinary human family? In part, to reveal God?s plan to make all people live as one ?holy family? in His Church (see 2 Corinthians 6:16-18).?In the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, God reveals our true home. We?re to live as His children, ?chosen ones, holy
and beloved,? as the First Reading puts it.

The family advice we hear in today?s readings ? for mothers, fathers and children ? is all solid and practical. Happy homes are the fruit of our faithfulness to the Lord, we sing in today?s Psalm. But the Liturgy is inviting us to see more, to see how, through our family obligations and relationships, our families become heralds of the family of God that He wants to create on earth.

Jesus shows us this in today?s Gospel. His obedience to His earthly parents flows directly from His obedience to the will of His heavenly Father. Joseph and Mary aren?t identified by name, but three times are called ?his parents? and are referred to separately as his ?mother? and ?father.? The emphasis is all on their ?familial? ties to Jesus. But these ties are emphasized only so that Jesus, in the first words He speaks in Luke?s Gospel, can point us beyond that earthly relationship to the Fatherhood of God.

In what Jesus calls ?My Father?s house,? every family finds its true meaning and purpose (see Ephesians 3:15). The Temple we read about in the Gospel today is God?s house, His dwelling (see Luke 19:46). But it?s also an image of the family of God, the Church (see Ephesians 2:19-22; Hebrews 3:3-6; 10:21).

In our families we?re to build up this household, this family, this living temple of God. Until He reveals His new dwelling among us, and says of every person: ?I shall be his God and he will be My son? (see Revelation 21:3,7).

Dr. Scott Hahn, St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology

Pray for Priests

Fr. David Gwinner, Fr. Anthony C. Baar DEC., Pope Benedict XVI, Bishop Frederick Campbell, Bishop James Griffin, Fr. Richard Gross, Fr. Thomas Shonebarger

Saints of the Week

St. Anysia, St. Sylvester, Mary the Blessed Virgin, St. Basil the Great, St. Genevieve,? St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. John Neumann


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German trade group predicts record exports in 2013

BERLIN (AP) ? Germany's exports are expected to reach record levels this year and grow again in 2013.

An industry group predicts German exports will rise 4 percent to ?1.103 trillion ($1.45 trillion) in 2012 from ?1.06 trillion the previous year.

The Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services said Sunday that it expects exports to increase by up to 5 percent in the coming year and hit ?1.158 trillion.

Exports as varied as cars, computer chips and chemicals contribute about a third of Germany's gross domestic product.

German exports have benefited from the low value of the euro compared to other currencies, and strong demand for their goods in the United States and emerging economies like China.

Associated Press


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Weekend Roundup: Apple iPad 5, Google X Phone, Windows 8 adoption rate & an unlimited data plan with a kick

Followup of iPad 4 lined up for Q1 2013 launch

Not a week goes by without the mention of a rumour about a new Apple iPad. This week brought about rumours of an iPad 5 which would be the successor of the current iPad (fourth generation). It is said to be ?inspired? by the iPad Mini, which itself is based on the iPad 2 (yes we know, it starts to get confusing). A Japanese website even mentions that the tablet will be introduced in March 2013. Should that be true, it would mean that three 9.7in iPad models (plus the iPad mini) would have been released in less than one year, an upgrade cycle that will test the nerves (and the pockets) of even the staunchest Apple aficionados. This reminds me of a cartoon by the Oatmeal about?what it?s like to own an Apple product. As for improvements, one has to wonder what a new tablet will offer other than a thinner chassis, a processor swap and a camera upgrade. But Apple doesn?t have the choice. The Samsung-built Nexus 10 massively upped the ante by combining some exceptional hardware with a more than decent price tag.

Google preparing a Nexus 4 successor called X Phone?

Guess what? Motorola Mobility may finally bring out its first major smartphone following its acquisition by Google in August 2011. All the recent flagship Motorola smartphones, the Razr i or the Razr Maxx, were mere evolutions of the original Razr but a brand new handset shrouded in secrecy and rumoured to be called the X Phone may well put Motorola back in the high-end smartphone race, one dominated by Samsung and its Galaxy series. The phone is said to be launched next year and it will be interesting to see how it will be positioned vis-?-vis the existing LG Nexus 4 and how strategic partners like Samsung, Sony and LG will stomach such a launch especially after the triple whammy that was the Nexus 7, the Nexus 4 and the Nexus 10. My hunch is that the X Phone will be the Nexus 5, one which will take the iPhone 5S head on (as well as the Samsung Galaxy S4). The Nexus 4 provides with a formidable platform on which to build; possible improvements include a higher resolution, much better camera features, premium materials, bigger internal storage and a brand new version of Android, v5.0 AKA Key Lime Pie.

Windows 8 adoption rate slower than Vista?

?Lies, damned lies and statistics?, an expression popularized by celebrated American author Mark Twain comes to mind when reading an article by one of our peers from Computerworld who found out that Windows 8 accounts for only 1.6 per cent of online usage share by 22 December while Vista accounted for 2.2 per cent of online usage share by the same period of time when it launched back in 2007. There are two points worth noting; firstly, since the launch of Vista, the number of computers running Windows has almost doubled to around 1.5 billion, which means that in absolute terms, Windows 8 installations surpass Windows Vista. Then there?s the fact that NetMarketshare gathers its data ?from the browsers of site visitors? to its ?exclusive on-demand network of live stats customers?. Which means that results can sometimes be skewed; for example NetMarketshare reports that Apple iOS? marketshare of mobiles and tablets is more than twice that of Android when in reality, both platforms are likely to be much closer.

AYCE data plan + tethering + great price = stellar offer

I rarely list a deal in the weekend roundup but this one is too good not enough to be mentioned again. Virgin Mobile with Three are the only two mobile phone operators to offer unlimited data allowance and tethering at any price (although technically T-Mobile offers tethering as an add-on for its full Monty for the same rate as its PAYG mobile broadband which is ?15 per month). But Virgin Mobile?s SIM-only AYCE+T plan costs ?12 per month on a 30-day contract, less than half Three?s cheapest all-you-can-eat data plan that includes tethering. What this means is that in theory, you could pair that that SIM with a low cost Android smartphone (like the ?49.95 Motorola Motosmart) and get a versatile hotspot that can do much more than a bog-standard Mi-fi device for the same price. Oh and you get unlimited texts and 150 minutes. Virgin Mobile piggybacks on EE?s network, which should ensure optimum mobile coverage nationwide.


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

neesonthewlis: Health & Fitness Solutions: Self-Hypnosis ...

By Mamie Nanez

It's important that you become familiar with the field of hypnosis - especially self-hypnosis - and one of the best ways to do so is to start by reading shorter reports like this one to begin your knowledge base. Delve into the subject wholeheartedly and you will find that it doesn't take long to get a well-rounded grasp of what hypnosis is all about. Hypnosis is not a difficult subject to comprehend as there's really nothing complicated about it. The same holds true for self-hypnosis.

Since we are all so different, you may find the need to use self-hypnosis many times. The important thing is not how many times you need to use a particular script for some particular goal. The only thing that counts is that you are triumphant with it and get to the target you had in the first place. There is no way to know how you will respond to self-hypnosis until you try it out. An additional point that is critical is that it takes many applications to get to the phase where your endeavours are really valuable. You will more than likely not have the greatest execution at the start and you will not be entirely at ease with the procedure.

For a self-hypnosis session to be effective, you have to choose a place that is quiet. Try to remove all distractions from the place before commencing a session.

Creating your own personal space to practice your self-hypnosis is a good thing to do. Your ideal scenario could be in a cool, low-lit room with candles and incense.

Once you have decided to use self-hypnosis, you need to make a commitment. Unless you are fully committed and have confidence it will not work for you. It is imperative that you have conviction and believe the necessary things that need to change will. Hopefully you already have a good idea of the impact that faith and conviction have for favourable results. The whole concept of hypnosis, whether it is done by a therapist or by ones self, is up for disbelief by many. There are folks that have been assisted with the use of hypnosis throughout time and in many instances.

Every script to write and design needs to be exquisite for each hypnosis session. Consider that you are trying to reach your unconscious mind directly. That means you have to bypass your ordinary consciousness that looks at the world in a critical manner. So you have to know exactly how to use the right words that will be the most effective. You can buy self-hypnosis tapes or even buy scripts from hypnotherapists. A licensed trained hypnotherapist should be where this material comes from. They are governed by hypnosis organizations that will make sure they are on the straight and narrow. Your local area, and certainly the Internet, will have people you can talk to. In conclusion, there are many other self-hypnosis tips that are available. You can learn them if you want. Just be sure you are getting quality information from the web. Building a website, and populating it with information, is very easy to do - this is why you need to be careful with the info that you find.

About the Author:

Do you want to beat eczema? Self-hypnosis is a simple way to overcome it without any medications.


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China Tightens Its Grip on Internet Users

The Chinese government issued a set of new Internet rules on Friday. Internet users must now provide their real names to service providers, and ISPs are required to delete forbidden posts and report such activities to authorities. In other words, the so-called "Great Firewall of China" has been further fortified.


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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mobile Photosharing, The Final Social Frontier

Screen Shot 2012-12-17 at 9.57.33 PMDespite Consumergeddon, it's still a mobile photosharing jungle out there. Unless of course you are Snapchat, in which case welcome to being the prettiest girl in the room. Which, while fun at times, still sucks -- Because welcome to everyone being intimidated by you (as Facebook is with all heavily used communication apps) or accusing you of (warranted or unwarranted) salacious behavior or copying you or all of the above. So yeah.


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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Three Common Work-Related Spinal Cord Injuries ...

spinal cord injuryWith over 12,000 spinal cord injuries every year in the United States no one is immune. It has been discovered, however, that young men are more likely to suffer this kind of injury. Car accidents cause the majority of spinal cord injuries in the USA, accounting for close to 40 percent of all spinal cord injuries each year. However, the risk of suffering from a spinal cord injury increases with certain jobs, and can be a common work-related injury. Read on for three common work-related spinal cord injuries.

Nerve Damage and Loss of Sensation

Nerve damage and loss of sensation is the most common work-related injury, and fortunately, also the least serious. Nerve damage and a loss of sensation are commonly caused by repetitive actions. Many jobs require repetitive actions throughout the day, meaning many jobs can result in repetitive stress injuries. In fact, 60 percent of all job-related injuries are repetitive stress injuries.

While repetitive stress injuries can occur in any part of the body, they are common in the back for those who work jobs that require pipe setting, sawing, jack-hammering or general mechanic work. A repetitive strain injury that targets the back can result in back pain, tingling, numbness and weakness.

Incomplete Cord Injuries or Partial Paralysis

An incomplete spinal cord injury is more serious than nerve damage or the loss of sensation brought about by repetitive stress injuries. A partial or incomplete spinal cord injury that could result from work would include Anterior Cord Syndrome. Anterior Cord Syndrome is where the front of the spinal cord is injured, which decreases an individual?s ability to feel pain and temperature. However, it is possible to regain the sense of touch and it is possible to regain movement.

Posterior Cord Syndrome occurs when the back of the spinal cord is injured. When an individual suffers from this injury, they are unable to perceive the positioning of their own body, but can retain motor movement. These symptoms are similar to Brown-Sequard Syndrome, an injury where the middle of the spinal cord is injured.

This type of injury can affect individuals who work with vehicles, with heavy machinery, or who do heavy lifting. Truck drivers and individuals who work in construction are at risk. As Brown-Sequard Syndrome generally occurs from a gunshot or stab wound, those working around guns are more at risk.

Complete Cord Injuries

A complete cord injury results in paralysis. Paraplegia is when an individual loses motor control of both legs, while quadriplegia is a spinal cord injury where an individual loses motor control of both arms and both legs. Individuals who are at risk of traffic accidents, assault, or falls while at work are most at risk of this kind of spinal cord injury.

Accidents can happen in the workplace, and unfortunately, spinal cord injuries can be the result. Spinal cord injuries can be irreversible, so it is a good idea to get the help of an experienced legal professional if you or someone you know has suffered from a work-related spinal cord injury. A legal professional will hold your employers responsible, and ensure you receive the compensation necessary to cover any ongoing medical costs or to help you through financial hardships.

If you have suffered a spinal cord injury or other serious injury as a result of an accident in the workplace, you may have a workers? compensation claim.? For more information, please visit the website of Maguire Law Firm, a workers? compensation law firm located in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina at

Andrew Miller is an experienced Social Media expert and Author. He has worked in marketing for over a decade and finds his passion in bringing concepts to life for the world to enjoy. He is also an avid legal blogger and currently working on a book with his wife about social entrepreneurship. He is a true Socialpreneur and finds that his goal in life is to be an agent for positive social change through both his writing and business endeavors.

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Will Family of Cowboys' Jerry Brown Pursue Wrongful Death Lawsuit ...

Print Page

Our readers in Tampa and St. Petersburg joined football fans nationwide in shocked sadness over recent news that Dallas Cowboys linebacker, Jerry Brown, Jr., had been killed as a passenger in a motor vehicle accident while riding in a car driven by Cowboys nose tackle, Josh Brent, who was allegedly driving under the influence at the time.? Brent was arrested after the accident and charged with intoxicated manslaughter.? Out on bond, Brent attended Brown?s memorial service with Brown?s mother, but there has been no word yet on whether Brown?s estate will file a wrongful death lawsuit against Brent.

Florida wrongful death lawsuits from car accidents are often based on similar facts.? A motor vehicle driver must exercise reasonable care for the safety of all passengers in the car.? A driver violating Florida driving safety laws (whether they relate to driving drunk, driving intoxicated, speeding, reckless driving, or other safety issues) who injures or kills a passenger can be held responsible for personal injury or wrongful death damages, which may be paid through a car accident settlement or a wrongful death verdict in a Florida court.

If your loved one has been killed while riding as a passenger in a Tampa, St. Petersburg, or other Florida motor vehicle accident, whether it was a one-car accident or involved another car, truck, or motorcycle, do not wait to seek trustworthy legal advice about Florida wrongful death lawsuits.? Florida wrongful death damages claims must be pursued quickly.? Your attorney will need time to prepare before seeking compensation to help your family recover from a tragic loss.

Contact us today, at 1-888-936-3264 (1-888-WE-MEAN-IT), for a fast, free consultation and knowledgeable legal advice from an experienced Florida wrongful death attorney who will vigorously pursue wrongful death compensation in Florida accident cases.


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Neighbors, friends say Racine homicide appears random ... - WITI

Posted on: 2:21 pm, December 16, 2012, by Ben Handelman, updated on: 09:09am, December 17, 2012

RACINE ? Police are investigating the fatal shooting of a man near 10th and Grand Ave. in Racine just before midnight on Saturday, December 15th. Police say a gunman fired into a group of teens and young men, and one person was killed. Now, what started out as a celebration has left the neighborhood with heavy hearts and few clues as to who is responsible.

Neighbors told FOX6 News the night began with crowds of teens who showed up at the nearby Bray Center, where joint birthday parties were taking place.?

Jennifer McNeil said she heard about four shots just before midnight. She says the gunman was in a car, and the shooter appeared to spray the crowd.

?I guess it was a group of kids outside on the corner, and somebody came through and fired shots into the crowd. It wasn?t meant for like, a specific person. It was meant for whoever was out there,? McNeil said.

Friends say the man who was killed was in his early 20s. He was reportedly struck in the head and taken to the hospital, where he died.

Friends who gathered at the scene on Sunday said the shooting doesn?t make sense.

?(He was a) cool person, laid back, made you laugh. He ain?t cause no harm to nobody. I don?t understand. Everything happened so fast,? one friend said.

Neighbors like McNeil say the gun culture in this area needs to change.

?An act of ignorance ? that?s it. This is the society we live in today,? McNeil said.

The identity of the victim is not being released until relatives are notified.

This is an active and ongoing criminal investigation.?

Racine Police?investigators are interested in any additional information that you may have about this crime. If you have any information about this homicide, you are urged to contact the Racine Police Department Investigations Unit at?262-635-7756. You may also contact Crime Stoppers at?262-636-9330, or by texting RACS plus the message to CRIMES (274637) and referring to Tipsoft I.D. #TIP417 with your text message.


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Home Seller: Find an ASP? Real Estate Agent at ...

Are you about to put your home on the market? Are you in the process of interviewing real estate agents to determine who will assist you? Great News! can help you find an agent who will make your property stand out among others in your marketplace and guide you to how to sell your home faster and for the highest price possible.

I?m proud to introduce to you thousands of ASP? Real Estate Agents all across North America who have made the commitment to add Home Staging expertise to their businesses. ASP? Real Estate Agents have completed the Accredited Staging Professional? Course provided by, which includes hands-on instruction of a home that was listed on the market. ASP? Real Estate Agents have also pledged to abide by the ASP? Staging Code of Ethics and adhere to the Principles of Excellence as provided by the International Association of Home Staging Professionals?, IAHSP?.

Teamwork to Sell a Home

In addition to providing you with the traditional tasks provided by real estate agents, your ASP? Real Estate Agent will work with you to prepare your home for a sale. When appropriate, the ASP? Real Estate Agent will likely introduce you to a local ASP? Home Staging Professional. Home Staging requires teamwork between the agent, Stager, and the seller, and everyone has an important role. The agent manages the client relationship; the Stager helps set the scene to get the home sold faster and for more money.

Will Staging help sell my home?

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You may have seen a Staging phrase I developed: ?Buyers ONLY know what they see, not the way it?s going to be,? and it?s one of the key reasons you need to Stage your home. Your ASP? Real Estate Agent will work closely with you and an ASP? Home Stager to make sure your home will helps prospective buyers visualize what it will be to live in a home.

When Should I Stage My Home?

These days most consumers start their search online and it is absolutely essential that a home for sale shows well before a prospective buyer has visited the property. A Staged home will have a tremendous impact both online and in person.

Virtually every day I hear from ASP? Real Estate Agents and Home Stagers who were hired to assist property owners after the home had been on the market for months and even years. Many are those who tell me about contracts being written as quickly as the day after Staging. Another Staging saying I created and encourage you to always remember is ?the investment of Staging your home is less than your first price reduction.?

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Barb Schwarz, ASP?, ASPM?, AB, IAHSP?
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Monday, December 17, 2012

Pasta ribbons with prawns and cherry tomatoes recipe - Recipes ...

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A sophisticated pasta dish of tagliatelle with a light creamy wine and garlic sauce, juicy prawns and sweet cherry tomatoes. Use fresh pasta for extra elegance and speed but dried pasta is fine.

  • Serves: 4

  • Prep time: 15 mins

  • Cooking time: 12 mins

  • Total time: 27 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Mid-price

That's goodtoknow

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For meat lovers, cooked chicken or chunks of ham would work just as well as prawns if you prefer. Leave out the prawns for a vegetarian dish and serve with mozzarella pearls scattered on top.


  • 1tbsp olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 500g peeled raw prawns, thawed if frozen
  • 250g assorted cherry tomatoes, halved
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 150ml dry white wine
  • 100ml double cream
  • 500g fresh fettucine or tagliatelle pasta
  • Baby salad leaves and lemon wedges to serve


  1. Heat the oil in a frying pan and gently fry the garlic for 1 min until soft. Add the prawns and cook, stirring, for 3-4 mins. Add the tomatoes and continue to cook, stirring, for a further 2-3 mins until the tomatoes begin to soften and the prawns are pink all over. Season well.
  2. Pour over the wine and cream, and cook over a low heat, stirring occasionally, for 5 mins until hot.
  3. Meanwhile, bring a large saucepan of lightly salted water to the boil and cook the fresh pasta for 2-3 mins until just tender. Drain well and keep warm.
  4. To serve, pile the pasta into warm serving bowls. Spoon the prawn and tomato mixture on top, season with black pepper and sprinkle with baby salad leaves. Serve immediately with wedges of lemon to squeeze over.
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Nutritional information

Guideline Daily Amount for 2,000 calories per day are: 70g fat, 20g saturated fat, 90g sugar, 6g salt.

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Eric Chua : Life, Business and Real Estate in Singapore ? Excellent ...

Internet promotion is most likely the best method to reach a lot of people. Pretty much every single person uses the Internet daily. Children these days are probably unfamiliar with the yellow pages! Although it is important to increase your visibility, try using subtle Internet promotion techniques.

You can send your customers a page that tells them all about a product before they buy it. This will inform potential customers and increase the likelihood that they will make a purchase. Willingly giving out in-depth information about your products shows that you want your customers to make an informed decision.

Create a unique quality website and you will get more visitors. For example, you could create an informative e-book or downloadable worksheets to be used during the course of customers? business. Giving your customers something they can only get through you is a great marketing tool.

TIP! Put a link to your website in every signature area you can. If you are a member of online message boards and forums, you should put a link to your website in the signature.

To be successful at marketing online, you need to maximize your website?s potential. Try various color schemes until you find one that looks great with your products. Never assume your website isn?t important or you will lose visitors to your competitor?s websites instead.

Use AJAX and Flash only minimally. Although it may look nice and add interactivity to your site, it doesn?t help search engines find your site at all. If you have to use Flash, be sparing in your use and include navigation links, keywords and other relevant text on pages that rely heavily on Flash.

A well-designed website is fundamental to online marketing success. Test your site regularly; make sure you fix any broken images, bad links or site glitches that may appear. If visitors have a poor experience, you are risking sales.

TIP! Tailor your banner ads to deviate from what people would expect a normal banner ad to look like. People will be convinced to click on your banner ad when you make your banner ads more exciting.

Make sure your site is organized neatly and is simple to navigate. A good format ensures that your readers will be able to navigate through your site easily and without getting confused.

How your site looks and operates is as important as what you are selling. Always perform regular site maintenance to make sure the site is up and running smoothly. Just like people won?t shop if they are unable to get in the front door, Internet shoppers will not wait while you keep fixing website bugs.

Successful marketers know the positive impact electronic magazines can have, particularly those who have developed magazines that help them establish a stronger connection with their readers. Images that create a personal link with your business can help. You may want to use photos of yourself, your staff, or your family. You can also include information about your life or fun office anecdotes. Make sure to put something interesting in the Ezine (this could be any easy or fast way to achieve an important goal) to grab your readers attention and spark their curiosity.

TIP! The most important thing about a website is clear, solid content. Your main goal is to educate your audience about your product or service in a limited amount of time.

Offering discounted prices is a very efficient marketing strategy. You can display both the original and sale price to show your customer the deal. For quicker sales, offer the special prices and discounts for a limited time.

A good way to offer high-quality information and advance the goals for your particular web marketing is to obtain interviews with well-known authorities pertaining to the niche of your website. Video interviews can be very effective, but audio or textual interviews can work well too. The interview will show your visitors that you are connected with the experts in your niche and increase your reputation as a trusted authority.

Find your niche. This will most likely get you a ton of traffic. They may stay to look at other products you offer.

TIP! Creating and sharing a viral video with tags is going to help you with Internet marketing success. Be sure to include a link that leads to your site in the video?s description.

Whenever you send an email to your customers, it should contain a powerful call to action. Suggested actions could be visiting your website, subscribing to a newsletter, ordering a free e-book, purchasing a product or service, and so on. This can also help you measure your email marketing success as those actions are trackable.

Do not use spam. It sometimes might seem like the right path to take, but it usually has undesired consequences and will drive traffic away from your website, not to it. In fact, your lack of personal touch in advertising will likely turn people off of your message and make them bitter instead of interested.

?Guarantee? is a power word in internet promotion. Customers want to know that your product is a sure bet before they part with their hard-earned cash. Guarantees, in practice, can take any of several different forms. Try using a lifetime guarantee or even one for 90 days. Match the right guarantee to the right product.

TIP! Prepare yourself to answer questions. People will come to your website with questions.

The more choices you give customers, the more money you can make. While it may seem fine to only offer credit cards for a payment method, you should also let people pay via online payments like PayPal and their own bank accounts.

The Internet is very competitive for small businesses. There are a couple of ways to gain an edge in this market, one being to adjust your prices in accordance with your competition in frequent intervals. Also, establish your own online store that gives folks the opportunity to buy any of your products in one place.

Reaching a target audience is easy with an effective affiliate marketing plan. This allows companies to maximize their advertising budget. Another added Online marketing bonus is seeing how the effective the advertisements can be. The web is the smartest place for any company to invest their advertising dollars.

TIP! You have probably heard that you shouldn?t mix your business with your personal life. However, this can be an exception to the rule.

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S.Africa's Mandela had gallstones removed, recoverin: government

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Nelson Mandela, the 94-year-old former South African president and Nobel Peace laureate hospitalised with a lung infection, has successfully undergone a procedure to have gallstones removed, the government said on Saturday.

"The former president underwent a procedure via endoscopy to have gallstones removed. The procedure was successful and Madiba is recovering," President Jacob Zuma's office said in a statement, using Mandela's clan name.

South Africa's first black president, who came to power in historic all-race elections in 1994 after decades struggling against apartheid, remains a symbol of resistance to racism and injustice at home and around the world.

Mandela was admitted to a Pretoria hospital on Saturday a week ago after being flown from his home village of Qunu in a remote, rural part of the Eastern Cape province.

Tests revealed a recurrence of a lung infection and that he had developed gallstones, the government statement said.

The medical team had decided to treat the lung infection before attending to the gallstones, it said.

Mandela spent 27 years in apartheid prisons, including 18 years on the windswept Robben Island off the coast of Cape Town.

He was released in 1990 and went on to use his unparalleled prestige to push for reconciliation between whites and blacks as the bedrock of the post-apartheid "Rainbow Nation".

He stepped down in 1999 after one term in office and has been largely removed from public life for the last decade.

Mandela spent time in a Johannesburg hospital in 2011 with a respiratory condition, and again in February this year because of abdominal pains. He was released the following day after a keyhole examination showed there was nothing serious.

He has since spent most of his time in Qunu.

His fragile health prevents him from making any public appearances in South Africa, although he has continued to receive high-profile domestic and international visitors, including former U.S. President Bill Clinton in July.


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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sandy Hook: Police say shooter forced his way into school

Police said Saturday they had found "very good evidence" they hoped would answer questions about the motives of the gunman, described as brilliant but remote, who forced his way into the Sandy Hook school, killing 26 children and adults in one of the world's worst mass shootings.

By John Christoffersen,?Associated Press / December 15, 2012

A woman comforts a young girl during a vigil service for victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting Friday evening at St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church in Newtown, Conn.

Andrew Gombert/AP


Police said Saturday they had found "very good evidence" they hoped would answer questions about the motives of the 20-year-old gunman, described as brilliant but remote, who forced his way into a U.S. school and killed 26 children and adults in one of the world's worst mass shootings.

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Witnesses said the gunman, Adam Lanza, didn't say a word as he shot children as young as 5 years old and later killed himself. The bodies of victims were still inside the school for some time Saturday morning, and authorities prepared to release their names later in the day.

Reaction was swift and emotional around the world, and many immediately thought of Dunblane ? a 1996 shooting in that small Scottish town which killed 16 small children and prompted a campaign that ultimately led to tighter gun controls.

Pressure to take similar action built on President Barack Obama, whose comments on the tragedy were one of the most outwardly emotional moments of his presidency.

"The majority of those who died were children ? beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old," Obama told a White House news briefing. He paused for several seconds to keep his composure and wiped an eye. Nearby, two aides cried and held hands.

Sandy Hook shooting: Stories of heroism, ways to help

In tight-knit Newtown, a picturesque New England community of 27,000 people, hundreds of people packed St. Rose of Lima church Friday night and stood outside in a vigil for the 28 dead ? 20 children and six adults at the school, the gunman's mother at home, and the gunman himself.

Just 10 days before Christmas Eve, people held hands, lit candles and sang "Silent Night."

"These 20 children were just beautiful, beautiful children," Monsignor Robert Weiss said. "These 20 children lit up this community better than all these Christmas lights we have?. There are a lot brighter stars up there tonight because of these kids."

"People in my neighborhood are feeling guilty about it being Christmas. They are taking down decorations," said Jeannie Pasacreta, a psychologist who was advising parents on how to talk to their children.

Connecticut state police Lt.?Paul?Vance?told reporters Saturday that investigators had found "very good evidence" and hoped it would answer questions about the gunman's motives.?Vance?would not elaborate.

U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms spokeswoman Ginger Colbrun said investigators had not yet found evidence after talking with state gun dealers and gun ranges that the gunman trained for the attack or was an active member of the recreational gun community.

Lanza is believed to have suffered from a personality disorder and lived with his mother, said a law enforcement official who was briefed on the investigation.

Lanza shot his mother, Nancy Lanza, drove to the school in her car and shot up two classrooms around 9:30 a.m. Friday, law enforcement officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.


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Online Shops Sell Effective Reverse Skin Ageing Supplements ...

There are a number of reasons that help people to look old and dull. Some of the common reasons include the habit of fast food, lack of sleeping, improper concentration and so on. Are you searching for natural substances that reverse skin aging? However, you have to be extremely careful and upbeat while you decide to purchase the authentic and top-quality quality anti wrinkle or skincare products. Before buying natural substance that reverses skin aging, you are advised to get in touch with healthcare providers as they suggest items keeping in mind requirement of your body.

Reasons for premature skin aging?

There are a number of reasons that help people for premature skin aging. Some of the common reasons include over exposure to the sun, due to excessive stress and improper nutrition, pollution and over exposure to the sun, lack of proper sleep and various other reasons. To reverse skin ageing, you are advised to avoid aforesaid menaces. Now, you may ponder that applying creams or lotions which contain collagen as its ingredient show reverse skin aging. But, as per the healthcare providers it is a fatal assumption.? Rather than looking for collagen, you need to seek out natural substances that can reverse skin aging by enhancing your body?s own collagen production.?

It is a fact that reverse skin aging is not as trouble-free as it is being said. To do so, you need to have extensive knowledge, research, and efforts. On the other hand, you also need the discipline and determination to chase through the skincare treatment process correctly. Extensive research and hard work have brought a number of creams and tablets that help people to reverse the aging process. Before taking any final decision, consultation with healthcare providers is advised. Reason being; a healthcare provider is the right person who can determine your dosage.?

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Ford talking to EPA about hybrids' fuel economy

DETROIT (AP) -- Ford said Friday that it's talking to the government about the fuel economy of its hybrid cars after a report suggested they're falling short of targets.

Consumer Reports said last week that Ford's new C-Max hybrid didn't meet the published fuel economy of 47 miles per gallon, averaging 38 miles per in the magazine's testing. Other hybrids ? including the Ford Fusion and Toyota Prius V ? have also fallen short in the magazine's tests.

Ford said it followed the Environmental Protection Agency's guidelines when it set its fuel economy standards. But the EPA's hybrid tests don't exactly mimic real-world driving. For example, Consumer Reports said it measures highway fuel use for a car going 65 miles per hour, but the EPA's highway test speed averages 48 mph.

Ford's global vehicle development chief Raj Nair said the way owners drive their hybrids can also affect performance. For example, driving a hybrid car 75 miles per hour, instead of 65 miles per hour, can cost the driver seven miles per gallon, Nair said. Hot or cold temperatures can also affect the numbers.

Nair said Ford is talking to the EPA to see if the agency needs to change the way it tests hybrids. The EPA said Friday that it is reviewing Consumer Reports' results.

Fuel economy dominated the conversation Friday as Ford introduced two new commercial vehicles that will go on sale late next year.

The Transit, which will eventually replace Ford's E-Series vans, will haul 300 pounds more than the current E-Series and has twice the volume. Ford will offer three engine choices and three roof heights.

The company also unveiled a smaller Transit Connect commercial vehicle, which is getting its first big makeover since it went on sale in Europe a decade ago.

The new Transit Connect can tow up to 2,000 pounds for the first time. It comes in short and long versions. Ford will also offer an optional EcoBoost engine in the Transit Connect that is expected to get more than 30 miles per gallon.

Ford didn't release prices or final fuel economy numbers for the vans.


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Douglas: 'Last Vegas' movie 'getting raunchier'

By Randee Dawn, TODAY contributor

Morgan Freeman, Robert De Niro, Michael Douglas and Kevin Kline. Hard to imagine that group of actors have never appeared with one another in movies before. But that's about to change, with the release of "Last Vegas," and TODAY's Matt Lauer visited the guys on the movie's set to get some inside scoop.

"It was a shock that neither one of us had ever worked with anybody else before," noted Douglas. "And in that first week, you're like, 'Man, I hope this works.' Because all you need is one bad apple in the group.... I think we were pleasantly surprised."

Of course, one bad apple might not have been a bad thing -- because some of the behavior in "Last Vegas" is pretty bad; as Matt Lauer noted, the film has shades of "The Hangover."

"It's an alter kaker 'Hangover,'" joked Douglas, using a bit of Yiddish off-color slang. (Look it up.) And all four of this film's stars qualify for that designation, they agreed.

"Last time we looked, yeah," said Freeman.

So is the film really raunchy? "It's getting raunchier as we go along," laughed Douglas. "The language has gotten ... a little fuller and fuller."

"That's no way to put it, Michael. Fuller and fuller?" wondered Freeman.

Well, let's just say there's a big party, a funeral and a Madonna impersonator, among many other things. After all, what happens in "Last Vegas" stays in Las Vegas.

And in the end, everybody worked out just fine. "Everybody's at ease about their own -- everybody else's process and rhythm," said De Niro. "Everybody does what they want. Everybody adjusts to everybody. We're having a lot of fun."

But you'll have to wait to see how it all turns out:?"Last Vegas" won't open in theaters until Dec. 20 -- of 2013.

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Friday, December 14, 2012

New project to improve students self esteem launched - TrakkerNews


A programme aimed? at improving the self esteem of school children in Barbados was launched recently by the Commission for Pan African Affairs with a visit by a group of students of the Lester Vaughan Secondary School to the Supreme Court, and a meeting with Chief Justice Sir Marston Gibson.

Acting Deputy Director of the Commission Anthony Reid told Trakker News the visit to the Supreme Court and the meeting with the Chief Justice was strategic.

"We felt that bringing the students into an control environment would one way of showing them life is not about the behaviours that they would tend to exhibit at school. The other thing was to expose them to strong prominent black men people who have achieved, who come from a background very similar to theirs to show them that they can overcome any obstacle and with self discipline and focus,they too can achieve", says Reid.

He explained that the programme is a pilot project and hopefully by the next school year it will be finetuned and be in a number of schools. ?



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Key gene for brain development

Dec. 13, 2012 ? About one in ten thousand babies is born with an abnormally small head. The cause for this disorder -- which is known as microcephaly -- is a defect in the development of the embryonic brain. Children with microcephaly are severely retarded and their life expectancy is low. Certain cases of autism and schizophrenia are also associated with the dysregulation of brain size.

The causes underlying impaired brain development can be environmental stress (such as alcohol abuse or radiation) or viral infections (such as rubella) during pregnancy. In many cases, however, a mutant gene causes the problem.

David Keays, a group leader at the IMP, has now found a new gene which is responsible for Microcephaly. Together with his PhD-student Martin Breuss, he was able to identify TUBB5 as the culprit. The gene is responsible for making tubulins, the building blocks of the cell's internal skeleton. Whenever a cell moves or divides, it relies on guidance from this internal structure, acting like a scaffold.

The IMP-researchers, together with collaborators at Monash University (Victoria, Australia), were able to interfere with the function of the TUBB5 in the brains of unborn mice. This led to massive disturbances in the stem cell population and impaired the migration of nerve cells. Both, the generation of large numbers of neurons from the stem cell reservoir and their correct positioning in the cortex, are essential for the development of the mammalian brain.

To determine whether the findings are also relevant in humans, David Keays collaborates with clinicians from the Paris-Sorbonne University. The French team led by Jamel Chelly, examined 120 patients with pathological brain structures and severe disabilities. Three of the children were found to have a mutated TUBB5-gene.

This information will prove vital to doctors treating children with brain disease. It will allow the development of new genetic tests which will form the basis of genetic counseling, helping parents plan for the future. By understanding how different genes cause brain disorders, it is hoped that one day scientists will be able to create new drugs and therapies to treat them.

The new findings by the IMP-researchers are published in the current issue of the journal Cell Reports. For David Keays, understanding the function of TUBB5 is the key to understanding brain development. "Our project shows how research in the lab can help improve lives in the clinic," he adds.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Martin Breuss, Julian?Ik-Tsen Heng, Karine Poirier, Guoling Tian, Xavier?Hubert Jaglin, Zhengdong Qu, Andreas Braun, Thomas Gstrein, Linh Ngo, Matilda Haas, Nadia Bahi-Buisson, Marie-Laure Moutard, Sandrine Passemard, Alain Verloes, Pierre Gressens, Yunli Xie, Kathryn?J.H. Robson, Deepa?Selvi Rani, Kumarasamy Thangaraj, Tim Clausen, Jamel Chelly, Nicholas?Justin Cowan, David?Anthony Keays. Mutations in the ?-Tubulin Gene TUBB5 Cause Microcephaly with Structural Brain Abnormalities. Cell Reports, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2012.11.017

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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