Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I cant take this nomore,what do i have to do to get adopted and ...

Question by Felliphe D: I cant take this nomore,what do i have to do to get adopted and become a foster child?
I live in MA and am not a citizen,would i be if i got adopted?
Im 17 and my mom has simply COMPLETELY RUINED MY LIFE! She never gave me anything,helped me,or cared about me,I cant drive because she decided to bring me to the US illegally againt my will and now i cant do anything. She doesnt cook or buy food in the house and will never ever drive me anywhere. When i start compalining she starts crying asking god for help for her me, like devil get out of him ,stuff like that. Shes a PYSCHO. All she cares about is saving money and by the time shes ?rich? she will give me money and well live a happy life but by them she doesnt realize how far ill be away from her. She never gave me 20 bucks for the weekend and doesnt buy me chlothes. I just want to leave my house as soon as i possibly can. My sister also is with her against me(same stoopid genes). Shes divorced(my dad took her bullshit and she got mad he wouldnt take her out and today i know why,humiliates in public) I feel sorry for him but also good for leaving that snotty woman. I just want a home

Best answer:

Answer by Manhattanite
Your screwed, if the police find out you can be deported along with your parent/s!

I guess your just going to have to stick it out.

Btw: How old are you?

What do you think? Answer below!


veterans day 2011 veterans day 2011

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